U4/524 Abernethy Rd Kewdale WA 6105

Organisational Culture Change

Our Approach

What is Company Culture?

And why is it important?

Your company’s culture defines the environment in which your employees work. Your company culture is made up of a variety of elements, such as your work environment, company mission, values, ethics, expectations, and goals.

Your company’s culture could be described as its personality.

Your employees tend to be more comfortable in an environment where your company values, morals and ethics reflect their own and your Leaders’ actions and behaviours show alignment to them. You will find they develop better relationships with colleagues and will also be more productive. An employee who aligns with your company culture will be happier, more loyal, and more inclined to stay with your company for longer.

Each organisation has its own unique culture. Each new employee you bring into your organisation needs to become aware of your company culture. As an extension of that, each employee brings to the table their own approaches to organisational culture, which contribute to the overall culture of your organisation.

Leaders in your organisation need to be aware of the importance of their leadership in generating a positive culture and its impact on your organisation and your employees. Do you know and understand your company’s culture?

Business Cultural Stage

New Integral World

The high-performance cultural reality.

Different levels of culture maturity create different levels of performance. Aiming for high performance requires creating an integral culture. An integral culture aligns aspects of culture, from intentions, actions, shared beliefs and systems.

Organisational Culture Change Stages

Each and every organisation is different, and experiences business culture in a different way. Being able to define which culture fits into your organisation is an important step in identifying potential black holes and your white space.

Reacting Culture

Reacting Culture

Fire Fighting Mode; acting after something has happened.

Conforming Culture

Conforming Culture

Rules Drive Mode; enforcing rules through discipline.

Achieving Culture

Achieving Culture

Performance Drive Mode; actioning on own drivers.

Integral Culture

Integral Culture

Total Performance Mode; focussing on future needs and drivers.

Our Cultural Language

Business Cultural Stage


An unexplored or inadequately explored future.



A skilled traveller, very experienced in navigating the complexity of space.



An inquisitive Leader wanting to improve their ability to travel through space.

White Space

White Space

Areas of business where Travellers are ‘blind’ to the need for/understanding of a different future.

Black Hole

Black Hole

Situations hindering or stopping exploration progress.

Stop drifting in the unknown.

Let our explorers help you navigate your cultural maturity journey.

Organisational Culture Transformation - Setup

Setup Phase

Getting things started.

Your Planet Make-up

Defining what is at the core of your business.

Just like a planet, your business has a core that powers everything else. In an organisational sense, this is your values. To continue the evolution knowing the principles, choices and behaviours which should be driven by these values builds details needed to create the future world.


What is at your core


What drives your approach


What drives your actions


How you act around others

Setup Phase Launch


Senior Leadership

Engage Space Traveller senior leaders on journey and approach.


Gather Information

Gather business information (e.g. vision, values, policies, risks, results).



Outline stakeholder engagement.



Outline and define Space Travellers in the process.

Data Analysis


Define the approach for discovery.

Organisational Culture Transformation - Discovery

Discover Phase

Leaders, culture, and exposure diagnostic.

Your Atmosphere

Understanding the environment to take off in.

Before we take off on any journey its vital to know exactly what our environment is made up of. Our atmosphere has resistance which protects us and keeps us in our comfort zone. Knowing the atmosphere allows you to push through this into the whitespace and create new learnings and grow towards the new integral world.

Your Business Atmosphere

Discover Phase Launch


Senior Leadership

Engage Space Traveller senior leaders in discovery process.



Roll out communication to Space Travellers.

Data Analysis

Gather Data

Gather safety, culture and business data for AI analysis.

Conforming Culture


Send out Space Traveller Leadership diagnostic surveys


Site Visits

Space Explorers visit site for focus groups and interviews.


Stop drifting in the unknown.

Let our explorers help you navigate your cultural maturity journey.

Organisational Culture Transformation - Navigation

Navigation Phase

Programming the GPS & generating the Flight Plan for the journey.

Your Flight Plan


Finalise Discovery Phase Analysis.

Week 01

Communicate findings and learnings from discovery process.

Week 02

Outline and confirm actions from recommendations.

Week 03

Outline GPS program for achieving Integral reality.

Week 04

Space Traveller engagement on first GPS program.

Week 05

Adjust GPS program based on Space Traveller feedback.

Week 08

Final Space Traveller engagement on GPS program.

Week 09

Setup GPS system ready for launch.

Week 12

Develop full Flight Plan.

Week 13

Send out material for document control.

Week 13

Onboard all Space Travellers for GPS activation.


Move into transform stage.

Organisational Culture Transformation - Transformation

Transform Phase

We have lift off!

Your Space Travel

To help travellers on their organisational culture change  journey, we create:


Communication Plan

A communication plan that describes the destination and the reason why our journey is being taken.
Conforming Culture

Content Deployment

Create the content that will provide the foundation for the learning during the journey.

Schedule Confirmation

Create the schedule that maps out the timing of each activity to ensure each traveller gets the right amount support during the journey.
Barclayss organisational discovery and exploration

The 5 Cs Approach

Once the transformational journey begins, we follow the 5Cs approach.



Explorers lead Workshop on all the core concepts and skills required to achieve the future destination.



Explorer One on One time with each Traveller to establish high levels of comfort for change.



Explorer One on One time to increase Traveller confidence with new skills and ongoing change.



Establishing three in a row coaching to increase competency and relationships.



Final integration of coaching and performance management to embed culture.

Black Holes

Black holes are situations hindering or stopping exploration progress. Black holes may include:










Black Hole

Transform Phase Launch

Conforming Culture

Content Deployment

Finalise and sign off on all content and materials.



Roll out communication strategy to all Space Travellers and their teams.


Send Out Workbooks

Send out Space Traveller leadership development workbooks.


Lock in Schedule

Book all events as outlined in the Flight Plan.


Workshops and Coaching

Space Explorers to conduct scheduled workshops and coaching sessions with Space Travellers.

Organisational Culture Transformation - Transfer

Transfer Phase

Space explorers disembarking.

Your New, Integral World

Our Command Centre creates the platform for ongoing virtual support and assists our explorers with transferring capability.

We establish your Command Centre once we enter the Transformation phase and will help to assist you by providing support, and guidance remotely. We want our explorers to feel supported once they disembark on their organisational culture change journey. We ensure explorers have the support they need along the cultural maturity journey while also building the capability for measuring your success factors. The structure is created which focuses on the key areas of transformation, and providing the required level of virtual support.

Your Command Centre:

Transfer Phase Launch


Internal Explorer Workshop

Internal Space Explorer development and transition workshop.


Checkpoint Setup

Establish checkpoint process for refresher training

Command Center

Setup Command Center

Develop new Command Centre protocols and content.

Command Center

Activate New Command Center

Barclayss® setup new Command Centre for active support and delivery.


Communication and Schedule

Communicate to Business on new Command Centre and track attendance.


Stop drifting in the unknown.

Contact Barclayss® Today for an Assessment of your Business!