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Building Resilience for Leaders and Their Teams



Rachel Smith

Constant change, uncertainty, and unexpected disruptions at work are challenging. Amidst this environment, resilience emerges as a critical factor in not only sustaining leaders but also in transforming teams and enhancing performance.

Resilience, often described as the ability to bounce back from adversity, encompasses a broad range of traits and skills that enable individuals to thrive in the face of challenges. For leaders, resilience is not merely about enduring hardships but also about adapting, growing, and leading effectively in times of uncertainty and change. It involves possessing the mental fortitude, emotional intelligence, and adaptive capabilities to navigate through, at time chaos, while maintaining focus, composure, and effectiveness.

The resilience of leaders has a direct impact on the overall resilience and performance of their organisations. Organisations led by resilient leaders are better equipped to navigate through uncertainty, adapt to change, and capitalise on emerging opportunities. Moreover, resilient leaders foster a culture of resilience within their teams, empowering team members to overcome obstacles, innovate, and achieve collective goals. Dr Ken Ginsburg from the University of Pennsylvania identified seven components that help towards growing resilience.

Resilience for Leaders and their Teams

Competence: A Leader’s Ability to Manage Situations Effectively

Competence is more than just confidence; it’s about possessing the practical skills and knowledge to tackle various situations effectively. Leaders can enhance their competence by participating in ongoing professional development opportunities and seeking out challenging assignments that allow them to apply their skills in real-world scenarios.

Things to think about for your team.

  1. Do I actively support my team’s growth by focusing on their strengths and helping them build upon them, rather than solely dwelling on their mistakes?
  2. When addressing my team’s mistakes, do I communicate clearly and constructively, avoiding inadvertently conveying the message that I believe they always mess up?
  3. Am I equipping my team with the necessary skills to empower themselves to make their own decisions and learn from safe mistakes, rather than inadvertently undermining their sense of competence or comparing them to other team members or myself?

Confidence: Rooted in a Leader’s Demonstrated Abilities

Confidence is built upon demonstrated abilities. Leaders can strengthen their confidence by actively engaging in peer mentoring programs, where they can provide guidance and support to their colleagues based on their expertise. Additionally, keeping a reflective journal can help leaders track their achievements and reinforce their confidence over time.

Things to think about for your team.

  1. Do I consistently see and reinforce the best qualities in my team members, helping them to see the best in themselves?
  2. Am I effectively communicating my expectations for my team, such as the following the company values, rather than solely focusing on their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?
  3. Do I actively acknowledge and praise my team for their specific achievements and positive actions, fostering a sense of capability and confidence in them?

Connection: Building Strong Support Networks

Strong connections and relationships are essential for fostering resilience in leaders and their teams. Leaders can strengthen connections by organising team-building activities and scheduling regular one-on-one meetings with team members to build trust and rapport.

Things to think about for your team.

  1. Have I created a work environment that provides both physical safety and emotional safety my team?
  2. Do each of my team members feel supported by me, even as they navigate daily work challenges?
  3. Am I creating a workspace that supports a healthy emotional environment where all opinions are heard, and conflicts are addressed openly and resolved constructively within our team?

Character: A Leader’s Fundamental Sense of Right and Wrong

Character provides leaders with a moral compass to make ethical decisions and uphold integrity in their actions. Leaders can promote character development by incorporating fair decision-making scenarios into training programs and leading by example through their actions.

Things to think about for your team.

  1. Am I being consistent in the consequence of individual’s behaviour on others, both positively and negatively?
  2. Do I celebrate individual’s empathy and caring towards others in the team?
  3. Do I encourage discussion about the company values?

Contribution: Making a Positive Impact as a Leader

Recognising the value of their contributions can provide leaders with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Encouraging leaders to identify opportunities for their teams to contribute to organisational goals and providing support to execute meaningful projects can enhance their sense of contribution.

Things to think about for my team.

  1. Do I promote the reason why diversity and inclusion are important goals to have in the team and why compassion is a lens that should be used whilst providing the right support?
  2. Do I initiate team volunteering?
  3. Do I discuss with the team their ability to make a positive difference in the organisation and provide opportunities for them to contribute to the goals in meaningful ways?

Coping: Effective Strategies for Managing Stress

Leaders can face high levels of stress in their roles, making effective coping strategies essential for maintaining resilience. Providing stress management workshops and encouraging leaders and their team to prioritise self-care activities can help them manage stress effectively.

Things to think about for my team.

  1. Am I helping my team distinguish between genuine crises and situations that only feel urgent, encouraging a sense of perspective?
  2. Do I consistently demonstrate a positive and calm demeanour for my team to emulate, reinforcing healthy ways to manage stress and adversity?
  3. Do I provide a work environment that provides a “no judgement” space for people to openly communicate when they are feeling stressed?

Control: Empowering Decision-Making

Empowering leaders to make decisions and take ownership of outcomes is crucial for promoting resilience. Leaders can empower their teams by delegating decision-making authority, providing opportunities for reflection, and learning from past decisions.

Things to think about for my team.

  1. Do I empower my team by providing clear expectations about decision making?
  2. Do I support my team in navigating through challenges beyond their control, to help in their understanding and problem solving?
  3. Do I encourage team members to speak up about viable solutions to help foster a growth mindset?

The importance of resilience for leaders cannot be overstated. In today’s volatile and unpredictable business landscape, leaders are regularly confronted with challenges, ranging from market disruptions and technological advancements to geopolitical uncertainties and global pandemics. In such environments, the ability to remain resilient is essential for leaders to steer their organisations through these times, inspire confidence in their teams, and drive sustainable growth and success.

Resilience is not only crucial for individual leaders but also for the overall resilience and effectiveness of their teams. A resilient leader sets the tone for the organisation, developing a culture of resilience that permeates throughout the team. By demonstrating resilience in the face of challenges, leaders inspire confidence, motivation, and tenacity in their team members, empowering them to overcome obstacles, adapt to change, and achieve collective goals.


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