About Us

Our process

Safety solutions built to last

At Barclayss®, we don’t just identify safety challenges—we solve them for good. We partner with you to understand your workplace and develop innovative solutions that seamlessly integrate with your operations. Our focus? Long-term sustainability, empowering your team to maintain a safer environment for years to come.

Safety worker's well-prepared with health and safety management systems, having taken the bow-tie risk assessment.

Diagnose and design

Barclayss® goes beyond generic solutions. Our process starts with a rigorous diagnosis to uncover hidden potential in your operations. We then leverage data and collaborate with you to design strategic solutions tailored to your specific challenges, driving measurable progress for your business.

Culture assessment

A collaborative approach to align processes to business objectives. Using proven principles in surveys, focus groups, interviews and observations. We have access to benchmarked culture surveys to compare industry performance.

Leadership assessment

Utilising DiSC® or Hogan 360, we can accommodate how leadership feedback is provided in any organisational context and create customised leadership feedback surveys that focus on organisational objectives.

Systems effectiveness

A collaborative approach that explores how to review the effectiveness of OHS systems against the current agreed standards and with consideration of the organisation’s context.

Design content specific to you

Working closely with each department post-workshop to ensure that the content delivered meets all stakeholder needs and points of view.



Successful change hinges on building context and ownership in today’s dynamic landscape. Barclayss®’s education process addresses this head-on. We’ll craft a tailored communication strategy, informing stakeholders of your initiatives and tackling the WHY, HOW, and WHAT. Engaging key players in decision-making fosters buy-in and ownership, ensuring everyone actively contributes to achieving your organisational goals.


Facilitating practical learning is key to skill retention. At Barclayss®, we deliver short, specific, and interactive workshops focusing on setting up our 5Cs, upskilling, and transformation. Our 5C approach starts with setting the context and designing the best workshops, ensuring everyone leaves the session with a clear understanding.

Communication strategy

Developing communication strategies across defined milestones is critical for increasing trust and openness in the process. By applying engaging and interactive communication principles, our strategy aims to spark curiosity among potential participants, encouraging them to attend our events and engage with our initiatives.


Upskilling and transformation

Barclayss® recognises that one size doesn’t fit all in learning. Our approach prioritises practical application—research shows it’s 70% more effective for skill adoption. We work alongside your leaders, providing real-time feedback and coaching in their everyday work environment. This immersive approach not only accelerates learning but fosters sustainability. We build internal capability, ensuring your upskilling process becomes a natural part of your business operations.

On-the-job coaching

Transitioning from workshops, we progress through the final four stages of the 5C process. We increase comfort and confidence, allowing for focused efforts on building competency.

Coach-the-coach capability

As competency increases, we shift our focus to consistency through establishing layered coaching routines. Consistency comes from being able to teach others. Our final stage of consistency ensures that the new behaviours become common practice.


Internal capability

At Barclayss®, we believe in empowering your organisation for long-term success. That’s why we don’t hold onto intellectual property – everything we develop belongs to you. And we don’t disappear after the project ends. Our focus is on building your internal capabilities: developing resources, materials, systems, and subject matter expertise ensures your transformation journey thrives well after our engagement.

Creating and aligning

This includes all resources, systems, processes, and assets to ensure they’re aligned with your objectives, systems, and processes. Adapting inductions, training, procedures, and role descriptions embeds the methods into the whole organisational ecosystem.


This milestone allows all stakeholders to share experience, measure impact, gather learnings, and make final adjustments. 


Revolutionise your work health and safety culture

Ready to cultivate a vibrant safety culture within your organisation? Explore our comprehensive suite of safety services and discover how Barclayss® can tailor a solution to meet your unique needs.

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