Safety Culture Training
Safety culture strategies
Foster a positive and safe workplace for your team development
In today’s competitive landscape, ensuring a safe work environment isn’t enough. The key to unlocking true operational excellence lies in creating a safety culture that your team believes in.
Organisational Culture Development
Align safety culture and drive performance safely
Safety culture training is the foundation for a thriving and productive workplace. Our safety culture training helps leaders and teams develop dynamic organisational culture development strategies for a safer site experience.
Our organisational culture development strategies embed your organisation’s values and behaviours into the fabric of your daily operations.
Our team of experienced safety culture training coaches can:
- Align your safety culture with high performance goals.
- Develop clear and consistent practices, processes and behaviours.
- Empower your workforce to embrace safety as a core value.
Customised OHS services
Revolutionise your work health and safety culture with experienced coaches
Got a safety culture change question?
Professor Edgar Schein is someone who has spent his academic life researching and working with organisations on culture. This is one of his definitions: “I define culture as the sum total of everything an organisation has learned in its history in dealing with the external problems, which would be goals, strategy, how we do things and how it organises itself internally,” which is how we’re going to relate to each other, what kind of hierarchy exists, etc. “These early learnings, if they are successful, become the definition, but they are always something that’s been learned. It’s not something that just can be imposed, or that’s just there.”
The short answer is ‘Yes’, however the most senior people in any organisation bear great responsibility in enabling the type of safety culture they want to create. People will follow their lead, good or bad and the results will follow. Effective safety culture training is essential in this process.
A recent article published by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) titled ‘Establishing a positive workplace culture: definition, tips & why it’s important’ includes the following characteristics of a positive workplace culture:
- Purpose driven company culture
- Effective communication
- A culture of feedback
- DiversityTeamwork
- Engagement and loyalty
- Growth and development
Coaching in organisational and safety leadership settings is an invaluable tool for developing people across a wide range of needs. The benefits of coaching are many; 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships and more effective communication skills. 86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more (source: ICF 2009).
A highly regarded person on organisational culture is Professor Geert Hofstede and he shares the following on the importance of workplace culture:
“Organisational Culture is one of the most important factors determining business performance. It dictates how things are done in an organisation and can be a powerful force for good or bad. If we imagine an organisation as an engine, Organisational Culture would be the oil for that engine. The right culture can be the reason for the success of your organisational strategy, while the wrong culture can lead to poor performance or even complete failure.”
Changing an organisations workplace culture is never a simple, cookie cutter approach. There are models and methods that can be considered and applied but ultimately is relies on the senior leaders in the organisation (all the way to the board) and the level of commitment that they demonstrate. If the senior leadership do not provide the resources, then any desired change will fail.
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as:
…partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.
Put in simpler terms, coaching is primarily about helping someone be the best version of themselves.
An individual or team might choose to work with a coach for many reasons, including but not limited to the following:
Something urgent, compelling, or exciting is at stake (a challenge, stretch goal or opportunity).
- A gap exists in knowledge, skills, confidence, or resources.
- A desire to accelerate results.
- A lack of clarity with choices to be made.
- Success has started to become problematic.
- Work and life are out of balance, creating unwanted consequences.
- Core strengths need to be identified, along with how best to leverage them.
If you’re experiencing one or some of these points get in touch about our coaching series through the form below.
Why invest in a workshop with Barclayss®
Create a stronger safety culture with Barclayss®
Develop confident and capable safety leaders
Our health and safety workshops equip your team with the skills and knowledge to champion safety initiatives, fostering a proactive and engaged workforce.
Tailored solutions for real world impact
We go beyond generic training. Our health and safety workshops are customised to address your specific workplace challenges, ensuring practical solutions that deliver measurable results.
Hands on learning for lasting change
Interactive health and safety workshops with a focus on practical application empower your team to apply their newfound knowledge immediately, driving long-term safety improvements.
Coach. Apply. Sustain.
Safety solutions applied
Is your safety culture a statistic waiting to happen? Discover how we’re transforming workplaces to value safety as an utmost priority.