Leadership Style Questionnaire


GST Included

Ever wondered why you struggle to communicate effectively with certain individuals at work? It could be because you have different leadership styles… There are four known styles of leadership which individuals predominantly exhibit. These four styles are the Dominant Style, Influential Style, Steady Style and the Compliant Style/Conscientious Style. While there will be one key style people mainly embody, everyone will possess certain characteristics from all styles. Understanding these four key leadership styles can provide valuable insights into how people prefer to think, act, and behave. By recognising these styles, you can develop more effective strategies for dealing with different individuals and become a better leader overall. It’s important to note that one style is not better than the other. This Leadership Style Questionnaire contains multiple choice questions to give you a sample of what your DISC Advanced® leadership style may be. This quick assessment asks you to select responses which best reflect your behaviour and preferences. There are no right or wrong answers. A full DISC Advanced® assessment must be undertaken to get more clarity and understanding of your leadership style.